by Laurel | July 20th, 2009
20 July 1907, Page 8
Harry Price was before the police court Saturday, charged with larceny. It is alleged that he was discharged by the Walter L. Main circus company, and in revenge let some monkeys out of a cage — some eight in number. Frank Phillips was another circus victim. He was caught “tent rolling” — letting people under the tent for a nominal sum. He was fined $6. Henry Werst was fined $5 for walking on the railroad track. Carmine and Geatano Zugaro, charged with walking on the railroad track and peddling without a license were fined $5 each. The case of J. Ernest Levesque, for forgery, was continued to to-day. William Hayes was fined $5 for assault. George Jackson was fined $5 for bastardy and his case continued to the 25th. Four “drunks” were fined $6 each, two $11 each, two had their cases continues and one was put on probation.
Excerpt from the Springfield Republican.