by Laurel | May 6th, 2009
May 6, 1887
Rufus Mosher, who recently returned from Florida, reports that the Holyoke colony at Lakeville are in flourishing condition.
Annie Beyer, 15, employed by the Farr Alpaca company, had a fit while returning from her work last night and fell into the second level canal. A young man named Mack pulled her out. She was taken to a neighboring house and Dr. Curran was summoned, who attended her till she recovered.
May 6, 1897
The rails on the Fairview extension of the street railway here have been laid and the trolly wire is being put up so that the company expects to be able to start the cars there sometime next week. There has been some talk of running the line in connection with the Oakdale line. The company has six new open cars ready for use, and they will be used on any line desired. Several attractions have been secured for the amusement of the public at Mountain park during the summer.
May 5, 1906
The Hicks Brother were holding a Second-Hand horse sale.
May 6, 1907
Several urchins of seven or eight years of age, cleanly dressed but apparently belonging to the vicinity of the river bank were standing on South Main street yesterday afternoon when a rather dilapidated automobile wend by. Whereupon one of them was heard to observe: “I wonder if that machine has the honor of being called a touring car.” There is nothing in this to discourage us in the support of our public school system.
Excerpts from like dated isses of the Springfield Republican.