by Laurel | May 11th, 2009
May 11, 1901
Paper Mill Exhibits at Buffalo
The Parsons paper company have completed the book for the registry of visitors at the Pan-American exposition at Buffalo, N.Y., the ruling and binding being done by the Eureka ruling and binding company. The Parsons company furnished the paper. The book is about eight feet long and 19 1/2 inches wife, and is bound in moleskin and imported leather. There is room for 120 names on a page and there are 800 pages, making a total registry capacity of 96,000 names. The book weights 100 pounds and is quite a novelty. The Parsons company will have quite an exhibit of paper at the exposition, a large case, built by B.H. potter of this city, being given up to it. It will exhibit largely its specialties of Scotch linen ledger, old Hampden bond and other first-class bond and ledger papers. These will be exhibited in ream lots in all the sized and tints, the ream package covers and tape being removed to allow inspection. George F. Bardwell of this city will have charge of it. The Whiting company was to have had an exhibit but receives a notice of allotment too late. There are a few Holyoke mills to be represented, most of them considering that it does not pay. The American writing paper company, the Valley paper company, the Chemical paper company and the Care and Hampshire companies are among those who will not exhibit.
May 11, 1907
The pupils who read current events at the high school yesterday were Erwin Stras, Robert Bagg, Edward Dickinson, Josephine Tayshert, Marian Clarke and Dorothy Gates.
May 11, 1909
Death of Hyacinthe Ducharme.
Hyacinthe Ducharme, 80, died at his home, 107 Park street, yesterday morning after a short illness. He was born in Canada, and came to Holyoke 30 years ago, where for some time he was engaged in the meat business. He leaves four sons, Louis of Springfield, Valere of Holyoke, Stanislaw of Willimansett and Rosario of Holyoke, and three daughters Mrs. Raymond Gauthier of Canada, Mrs. Joseph Lalibertie of Holyoke, two brothers Colbert of Quebec and Charles of St. Paul, Minn., and one sister Mrs. Z. Gauthier of Quebec. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning with requiem mass in the Precious Blood church. Buries will be in the Precious Blood cemetery in South Hadley Falls.
May 11, 1909
Although the season is young bathing has begun in the river, and the usual number of drowning accidents will now follow. Several tried the water yesterday and from now on there will be a procession of young boys who will go to the river and who can be depended upon to swear that the water is warm if the chattering of their teeth will let them. The aldermen will probably make their annual appointment of the river and harbor police, as the officer who patrols the river bank is called, within a short time.