by Laurel | June 18th, 2009
June 18, 1900
Wants His Clerks to Join the Union
Albert Steiger of the firm of A. Steiger & Co has written to the secretary of the central labor union, stating that he will give every assistance possible in the forming of the proposed retail clerks’ union. He stated further that he favors the closing of the dry goods stores on all holidays for all day, instead of at noon, as at present. The meeting for the formation of a retail clerks’ union will he held to-morrow evening at the central labor hall and the officials are much pleased at Mr. Steiger’s stand. It is now likely that action will be taken by the union as soon as formed to have all stores included, as far as possible, in the all-day shut-down. This, of course, will not at present include drug, cigar or confectionary stores, or the ice cream parlors in the summer months. Unionism is making rapid strides in Holyoke, partly, it is claimed, because of a disposition of the central labor union to be reasonable in all matters relating to difficulties between employer and employe.
June 18, 1903
Louis J. Rigali, Jr., left yesterday for a western trip, which will include the Ethel and Palmer Tunnel mines of which his father is agent in Holyoke.
June 18, 1909
Killed by Moro Bandits.
Word was received by Mrs. Helen Broderick of Summer street from the war department that her son, Sergeant William Broderick of troop M, 6th Montana cavalry, died on June 5 from wounds received in battle with the Moro bandits in the Philippines. Broderick had been in the army for four years, enlisting in the cavalry at Boston in 1905. He was stationed at Montana, where he served three years, and was honorably discharged on July of last year. After a few weeks’ visit at his home he re-enlisted in troop M and shortly after went with his troop to the Philippines and was promoted to sergeant because of his good record. He was 26 years of age and was born and brought up in Holyoke. He worked for a number of years for the Deane steam pump company. The notification of the death of the young man was brief and gave no particulars, and it is supposes that he lost his life in one of the attacks of the Moros on the Americans. It is probable that the details will be learned later. He leaves, beside his mother, two brothers, Walter and James, and two sisters, Margaret and Theresa, all at home.