by Laurel | June 22nd, 2009
June 22, 1900, Page 10
The list of High School Graduates.
The full list of graduates from the Holyoke high school for this year was sent out by Principal W. C. Akers yesterday. It is as follows:—
Helen Gertrude Barry, Robert Gilbert Batchelor, Edgar Fanning Berry, James Herbert Bigelow, Ralph Edison Bullard, Mary Estelle Bunyan, Margaret Helen Burke, Mary Alice Burke, Marie Angelina Cadieux, Mary Louise Cady, Maud Frances Connor, Katherine Veronica Conner, Lucy Amanda Cooledge, Ruth Wilson Cooledge, Helen Beatrice Cronin, evelyn Irene Curley, George Corinne Dewey, Edith Cecelia Dickinson, Lillian Frances Donovan, Louise Hinds Eastman, Irving Harris Farr, Luella Genevieve Gaffney, Dennis Camille Amedge Galarneau, Bernice Edna Goddard, Alice Patricia Greeley, Ella Bertha Hendrick, Flora Leonle Hennick, Alice Heywood Vena May Houston, Sadie Ann Howes, Willis Chapman Hunter, Howard Wilson Kendall, Byron James Keough, Mabel Eva Keough, William Cullen Keough, Archibald Lade, Vinetta Desira Larson, Sarah Nye Loring, Perle Martin Marrs, John Delaney McQuald, Charles Henry McTigue, Oliva Merie Menard, Lillian Winifred Murphy, Katherine Gertrude Nugent, James Herlihy O’Donnell, John Delaney O’Donnell, Mary Gertrude O’Leary, Martha Rachel O’Neil, Edgar Montague Osgood, Horace Welser Pfabler, George Mason Prentice, Jr., Fred Franklin Priest, James John Quill, Thomas Rae, Ella Estelle Read, Ella Grove Rutt, Elizabeth Gertrude Shea, Priscilla Shumway, Lawrence Frink Smith, Nellie Adele Smith, Helen May Squier, Amelia Marie St James, Harriet Gibson Sullivan, Helen Lida Wilcox, Harry Farnum Willey, Una Marle Winchester, Bessie Pray Worthington, Pauline Helen Wylie.
June 22, 1907, page 3
Two Scrappy Holyokers.
Dolan and Hoffman in Angry Mood and Slight Explosion Happens in Club-House.
After the game in Holyoke yesterday Pitcher Dolan and Outfielder Hoffman had a slight run in in the club-house , and a few asses were made between the two. Hoffman offered some criticism about Dolan’s pitching that didn’t set well and a lively skirmish followed for a couple of minutes. Hoffman claimed Dolan pitched a “rotten” game and told him so. Dolan resented it and a had a few suggestions to make about “Izzy’s” all round style of play, and the result was a wordy battle of picturesque variety with a little of the questionable method of settling disputes thrown in. The affair blew over as quickly as it began and the players resumed their normal poise. The happening, while of a regular occurrence in big league team, is rather unprecedented in Holyoke, but Manager Dowd treated it as a purely personal affair between the two players and does not intend to discipline either. “Tom” treats it lightly and said last night that such differences are bound to happen on a winning team when the tension is great and each player is doing his best to keep the nine up at the front. “The old Baltimore club used to fight like cats and dogs,” said Manager Dowd. “That is why they won so often.” “Such rows are in evitable,” claims the Holyoke manager, “and should not be given attention. They are soon over and forgotten.”
June 22, 1910, Page 14
Elephants Cause a Panic.
J. D. Richardson of Westfield and a Mrs. DeNice of Holyoke received broken arms as the result of a near-panic near the Hampden park circus grounds Monday morning. Just as the parade started from the park a fuse in a trolly car blew out, scared the elephants, which in turn scared the crowd near by. The passengers on the car made a rush for the ground and in so doing Mr. Richardson and Mrs. DeNice received their injuries. Both were cared for by physicians.
— Springfield Republican