by Laurel | June 25th, 2009
June 25, 1907, page 16
Claimed he was Imprisoned.
Holyoke Boy Brings Suit Against Westhampton Farmer.
The case of Joseph Dowd and his father, Patrick Dowd, both of Holyoke, for $1000 each in action of tort against Aaron Fisher of Westhampton was begun in the jury-waived sitting of the superior court yesterday. Joseph Dowd, 13, claimed that he was detained for six days following April 22 1905 by the defendant at the latter’s place and could not get back to his home, although he tried several times. For this forced imprisonment he claimed damages of $1000 and is father, in the other suit, claimed like damages for loss of his son’s services and for the worry caused by the alleged imprisonment. The boy, as the first witness, testified that he and several other lads caught a ride on the defendant’s wagon in Holyoke on April 22, 1905. The owner made all the other boys excepting the plaintiff, Joseph, get off the wagon. The latter said the defendant carried him to his home in Westhampton and kept him there as a prisoner for six days and employed him during that time to pick apples and do odd jobs about the farm. Joseph declared he had tried to get away several times, but did not succeed until his father found him and took him away. The father told about the same story and explained how worried he was until he found the lad.
The defense was opened in the afternoon and several witnesses called. Some testified that they were neighbors of the defendant, had seen the Dowd lad on the farm, but that he was not a prisoner there in any sense of the word. One of the defendant’s witnesses, who is the wife of a Holyoke policemen, told of the poor reputation which the plaintiff, Joseph, has for telling the truth in his own neighborhood. The suit will probably be finished this morning.
June 25, 1909, page 12
Two Fatal Heat Prostrations.
Other Effects of Hot Weather
Holyoke is still suffering under the hot wave which has struck the city and there seems to be no immediate relief in sight. Dennis Donoghue of 103 Ely street, who was overcome by the heat Tuesday, died in the House of Providence hospital from the effects of the prostration at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Richard Powers of 614 Bridge street was overcome by the heat yesterday and is seriously ill at her home under the care of Dr. P. EW. Hurley. A trained nurse is attending her. Patrick the 12 years old son of John T. F. MacDonald of 12 Clinton avenue, suffered a shock about 7 o’clock last evening, which the physicians this was due to the heat. The boy was walking along a hall wall next to the lawn when he was taken with the shock and fell to the lawn, rolling from there to the street. He was taken into the house and it was found that his right side was paralyzed. Dr. P. J. Hurley was summoned and found the boy in critical condition. His recover is hoped for, although his case is serious.
Miss Mary Geraghty, 22, died at the House of Providence hosprital yesterday noon as a result of heat prostration, being the first death in Holyoke this year from that cause. She had been in Holyoke only a short time, coming from her home in Ireland and arriving in Holyoke a weeks ago last night. She obtained employment at the Beebe & Holbrook paper mill and worked up to yesterday morning when she was overcome. Dr. A. B. Wetherell was called to attend her and ordered her removal to the hospital, where Drs. Donoghue and Grady attended her, but in spite of all which could be done she sand steadily until her death. She leaves, besides her parents and several brothers and sisters in Ireland, three cousins in Holyoke, Anthony Broderick, Mrs. Owen Gaughan and Mrs. Patrick Dineen. He body was removed to the home of Mrs. Dineen at 211 Lyman street, where the funeral will be held later.
While the temperature was not as high yesterday as Tuesday, yet the humidity was very high, being almost 80, which rendered the air very oppressive. The thermometer reached 93 from 1:30 to o’clock and was 76 ½ at 8 last evening, with the indications that another warm day will be experiences to-day. Tuesday the highest point reached was 94, and Wednesday 91. Considerable sickness because of the heat is reported, and it is feared that unless the weather cools to some extent other heat prostrations will follow.
Dennis Donoghue died at the House of Providence hospital yesterday afternoon from the effects of the heat prostration which he suffered while at work laying a water main on Mosher street Tuesday. He leaves, beside a widow, Mrs. Annie Donoghue of Brimfield, one brother, John, and a sister, Mrs. Jeremiah Donohue, both of Holyoke. The funeral will be held at Dillon’s undertaking rooms tomorrow morning , the time to be announced later.
Excerpted & adapted from the Springfield Republican.