by Laurel | June 30th, 2009
June 30, 1900, page 8
[Was the cornerstone in the following news note ever recovered when the Highland school was demolished? I don’t remember reading anything about it. — Ed.]
With the closing of the school yesterday the pupils of the Nonotuck street school completed the work they are to put in the corner-stone of the new Highlands school. Each pupil will tender one sheet of paper on one side of which is a biographical sketch and on the other a sample of the school work. There are 700 of these sheets, besides the sketches submitted by the teachers. There is also a book with the autographs of all the pupils written in their own hand. A collection of coins of various dates will be put there, in the hope that in 100 years they may be very valuable and preserved as relics or sold at fancy prices, and with the proceeds may be bought collections for a museum for the school.
Excerpted from the Springfield Republican.