by Laurel | July 1st, 2009
July 1, 1909, page 12
Miss Lena Michael of 12 Wolcott street and Arthur E. Standen were married at the German Reformed church yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock, the ceremony being performed by Rev. H. S. Settlage. The wedding marches were played by Miss Minnie Klopfer, the choir assisting in the service. The bride’s attendants were Miss Erna Michael and Miss Louise Bissell, and the ushers were Edgar Duberger of South Hadley Falls and Albert Standen. The bride wore a white silk lansdowne with pearl trimmings, and her veil was arranged with bride roses and she carried 21 bride roses. Miss Michael wore pink silk muslin and Miss Bissell wore light blue silk, both carrying carnations. Following the church service a reception was held at the home of the bride, about 75 attending. Mr. and Mrs. Standen will reside at 12 Wolcott street. The groom is employed by the Holyoke street railway company as a motorman.
Excerpted from the Springfield Republican.