by Laurel | July 20th, 2009
20 July 1907, Page 10
The funeral of Mrs. William Jolly was held yesterday afternoon at her late home on Northampton street, Rev J. A. Hungate officiating. Mrs. E. M. Chase sang during the service. The burial was in Forestdale cemetery.
[Note: Lillian was the daughter of Joseph and Marietta (Sackett) Washburn and taught at the Ingleside School in Holyoke from 1884-1887 and then at the Hamilton Street School in 1888. She married William Jolly in 1891. Are you connected to the Jolly family of Holyoke (via Scotland)? Leave a comment — would be happy to hear from you as I have connections to this line as well. — Laurel]
Excerpted from the Springfield Republican.