by Laurel | July 21st, 2009
July 21, 1900, Page 8
One of the sequels to the Polish boycott on Jacob Blackman, butcher-shop on Oliver street occurred in the police court yesterday morning when Orcha Sistzky was brought in to answer to the charge of assault upon John Smith, the two having taken opposite sides , in the boycotting. Both are of Polish blood, and Smith claims that Sistzky threw an egg at him and afterward kicked him. The case was continued until the 24th.
Jacob Blackman, the boycotted meat dealer, entered his forsaken shop yesterday morning and removed from it the faded meat that had accumulated during the two or three days of hot weather, and dumped it into a garbage wagon. He will make no further attempt to open the place, believing it to be useless because of the feeling that has been, created against him. It is believed that he has sufficient cause for action against the instigators of the boycott, and the matter is liable to be aired in the courts.
The case of Mrs. Mary Pepin, charged with illicit selling of oleomargarine, which had been continued from a previous date, was resumed yesterday morning. Mrs. Pepin pleaded guilty to the offense, but asked for the mercy of the court on the ground of Ignorance of the law. She had a government license and a state license to sell the oleo. and she believed that it allowed her to sell it in any form. The judge decided to give her another trial, and the case was filed away upon her promise to go out of the business or comply with the law. Mrs. Pepin was fined $100 in the superior court in this city for a similar offense a year or more ago. Two “drunks” were fined $10 each. one of whom was committed, and two were fined $5, which was paid. Frank Stein was before the court for violating the rules of the board of health in keeping vegetables and other products in places prohibited by the board of health. His case was continued until the 24th.
The foundation for a new foundling asylum will be laid by the Brightside institution in the early part of August. Architect Donohue of this city has drawn plans for a three-story frame building, which have been accepted, capable of caring for 20 infants. When the Brightside institution was first organized it was not the intention of the managers to receive any children, but the need for a building of this kind has been demonstrated by the fact that there are now 20 children in the convent. It is expected that the new building will be completed early in the fall and it will be fully equipped and placed ender competent management.
Excerpted from the Springfield Republican.