by Laurel | July 22nd, 2009
July 22, 1902, page 8
Officer Linnehan headed a procession of over a dozen gypsy women into the presence of Marshal Wright soon after 10 yesterday morning. The women were members of a band which had encamped at Crafts Hill, and which is supposed to be the same one that was driven out of Northampton Saturday. The gypsies appeared in ward 4 early yesterday forenoon. They speedily collected a crowd and attempted to tell fortunes, and are also suspected of doing a little begging. They were followed to and from the police station nu a crow of yelling children, who annoyed the picturesque wanderers not a little. The latter would stop and face about on their tormentor now and then and once n a while a kick or a blow would get home. Marshal Wright read them all a short lecture at the station and told them to leave town. He sent out to Crafts Hill yesterday afternoon to see whether his orders had been obeyed, and found that the band had already broken camp and moved off on the West Springfield road.
Excerpt from the Springfield Republican.