by Laurel | July 22nd, 2009
July 22, 1908, page 8
Miss Anna G. McCarthy, daughter of John W. McCarthy of 800 Dwight street and Lenwood O. Walker of 1206 Dwight street were married at St. Patrick’s chapel yesterday morning Rev. S. C. Hallissey performing the ceremony which was followed with a nuptial mass. The bride wore a champagne-colored silk with a white lace hat trimmed with plumes. Mrs. Maloney, a sister of the bride, was the matron of honor, and Miss Hopkins, the bride’s aunt, was the bridemaid. Following the ceremony a reception was held and a wedding breakfast served at the home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Walker left yesterday morning for Montreal and Quebec. The groom’s gift to the bride was a diamond ring and her father gave her a gold watch. Many wedding gifts were received by the couple.
Excerpt from the Springfield Republican.