by Laurel | July 29th, 2009
July 29, 1908, page 8
Crowds of Pleasure Seekers Travel in All Directions, Leaving City Deserted.
Yesterday the wave of midsummer activities appeared to be at the crest in Holyoke, It was an ideal day for any outdoor pleasures and there were none that were overlooked. The cars going in all directions were crowded from early morning until late at night with the thousands who journeyed in all directions. The attendance at Mt. Tom and at Mountain park was one of the largest of the season and there were many at the canoe and country club houses. The city itself was deserted, even the piazzas, the refuge of many on hotter Sundays, were empty and all, rich and poor, appeared to be out on pleasure bent. High street near the city hall was the only center of activity all day, and the crowds there were only transient, waiting for cars and transfers. Whenever a car pulled in, it became the center of two struggling masses of humanity, one attempting to get off and the other pushing to get on.
Extracted from The Springfield Republican.