by Laurel | August 6th, 2009
August 6, 1906, page 4
Sudden End of Prominent Holyoke Business Man.
Leon Laporte, one of the well-known business men of Holyoke, was overcome by a hemorrhage at the corner of Dwight and Maple meets in that city yesterday morning, while on the way to his office on Hampden street, and died before a doctor could he brought to attend him. Mr. Laporte had been suffering from lung trouble for three or four years and it could be seen by his friends that he was failing slowly. Within the past year or two he had been subject to hemorrhages, which had left him in a weakened condition, but there was no thought that the danger was so imminent. He came to this city Saturday night and seemed in the best of spirits, and yesterday morning, while not feeling as well as he had sometimes, yet thought he would go to the office in his building on Hampden leaving his house a little before 8. His wife, when she tied his necktie far him yesterday morning, spoke to him, saying that he was losing flesh and getting, thinner, and he agreed, treating the matter in a pleasant manner. As he crossed Dwight street it was seen by a number on the street that he was acting as if ill, and at once the hemorrhage came. He supported himself by the mail box in front of the Porter drug store until assistance came, and he was taken into the store and seated and a physician summoned, but before a doctor could arrive he had died. Dr Hunt was the first to arrive sad he pronounced the man dead, and Medical Examiner Holyoke was notified, who gave permission for the man to be moved. Undertaker A. F. Gingras arriving shortly after and taking charge of the body, prior to Its being moved to his late home at 6 Essex street. His wife had been notified and was prostrated by the blow.
Mr. Laporte was born in the eastern part of Canada about 56 years ago, coming to Holyoke In 1865. where he started in business with his brother, M. J. Laporte. doing a general livery, express and furniture and piano- moving business. About 10, years later the brothers dissolved partnership and he opened up a place of his own, being on Front street for many years. A few Years ago he enlarged his business and took the building on Hampden street, where he had been located since. Starting in a small way, his business had increased from year to year until It had reached the present proportions. He took but little interest in politics and was not Identified with many of the secret societies, the only Society of which he was a member being the Red Men. He was one of the founders of the City co-operative bank and was one of Its directors for many years, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Pelland over 30 years ago and, besides her, he leaves one daughter, Mrs. Ernest Peltier, who is absent on a visit in Boston, and a son, Conrad, who was connected with his father in the business. He also leaves two brothers, M. J. Laporte and L. J. Laporte of Holyoke, and two sisters, Mrs. M. O. Parenteau of Springfield and Mrs. Jules Desrochers of Holyoke. The funeral arrangements will be announced later.
— Adapted from The Springfield Republican.