by Laurel | August 17th, 2009
August 17, 1906, page 8
Miss Minnie J. Keeney and Ralph I. McCorkindale of New York were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson M. Keeney of 69 Sycamore street at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon. Rev. Dr. J. P. Kennedy of the First Methodist church performing the ceremony. The wedding was private, on 35 relatives being invited. The house was decorated with palms and golden glow by Miss Humphrey. The wedding march was played by Miss Maud Montgomery as the bridal party entered the parlor. The ushers, Jerome and Roland Keeney, brothers of the bride, and Roy McCorkindale, a brother of the groom, led the way, followed by the bridge and groom with the bride’s attendant, Miss Charlotte McCorkindale. The bride wore a gown of French silk batiste, trimmed with old Irish point lace, which had been used in the family for three generations, and she carried a bouquet of white sweet peas. Her attendant wore white net over pink silk, and carried pink sweet peas. The single-ring service was used. Following the ceremony a reception was held and a lunch served. Mr. and Mrs. McCorkindale left last evening for a wedding trip on the Hudson, and after the honeymoon will reside in New York, where they have their home already furnished, being at home to their friends after September 1. The groom is a civil engineer, graduating from the Renssaelaer Technical Institute at Troy, N. Y., and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. McCorkindale of Lincoln street in Holyoke.
From The Springfield Republican.