by Laurel | August 20th, 2009
August 20, 1896, page 6
A three-years-old daughter of William Balfe of 315 High street was accidentally shot in a tenement at 37 Appleton street late yesterday afternoon, and it is possible she may not recover from the injuries. The police have investigated the matter and decided that no one could be held to account for the shooting, which came about in this way: The Balfe girl and Douglas Wooller, about four years old, of 37 Appleton street, were at the latter’s home and they asked Joseph Wooller, 16, a cousin, to give them something to eat. While he was getting some food, he knocked a revolver to the floor from a shelf in the pantry. The little boy seized it and ran into the hallway. The older boy knew it was loaded and in attempting to get it away it was discharged, the ball striking the girl in in the knee and then glancing into the right side below the ribs. The girl was attended by Drs. Taylor and Buckley. The revolver was of small caliber and self-acting, and contained only one cartridge. Assistant Marshal Healey went to the place and Joseph Wooller was sharply questioned, but there was nothing to indicate anything but an accident.
From The Springfield Republican.