by Laurel | August 20th, 2009
August 20, 1891, page 6
A notable event in German circles was the marriage of H. M. J. Kirster and Miss Miltilda [sic] P., daughter of Charles Belcher, at the German Lutheran church yesterday afternoon. Rev. August Brunn assisted by Rev. A. B. Hanle of Newark, N.J., performed the ceremony. The attendants of the bride and groom were Misses Amelia Spamer, Sarah Maerkel and Tine Zwisler, and Messrs. Albert Witt, Herman Koegel and George Spamer. Gustave Peters ad Charles Thunart acted as ushers. The bride wore a handsome dress of cream henrietta, with train and veil, and a belt of flowers. She carried a bunch of tea roses. The church was decorated with potted plants, ferns and cut flowers and the aisles were strewn with roses. The guests were taken home by a special street car to Elmwood. A reception was given them at the home of the bride’s parents on Northampton street last evening and a luncheon was served. The presents were numerous and costly. After a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Kirster will live in Holyoke.
From The Springfield Republican.