by Laurel | September 1st, 2009
September 1, 1900, page 5
Michael McKenna of Holyoke, the father of young Thomas McKenna who was murdered at Marseilles, France on August 3, is receiving considerable sympathy over his loss. There is also much personal feeling in the city, as young McKenna had a large number of friends. It is practically certain that the body of McKenna will be brought to Holyoke and buried in one of the Holyoke cemeteries. Negotiations are to be at once opened to this effect. McKenna, the father, is taking no little consolation in a letter received in which it is stated that his boy died for his country as much as if shot in battle. No further news has been received of the fate to the two men who are suspected of being the murderers of McKenna. The accompanying image is a good likeness of the murdered seaman.
From The Springfield Republican.