Death of George B. Dean

by Laurel | September 10th, 2009

September 10, 1905, Page 6
Aged Man Died at Home of His Daughter in Holyoke.

George Bennett Dean, 83, died yesterday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. F. Wheelock, 135 Pleasant street, in Holyoke, after a long illness, in which he displayed a remarkable vitality. His 56th wedding anniversary was passed early in August, but he was too ill to participate in any celebration of the event. On the occasion of his golden wedding, 13 years ago, there was quite a celebration, and due notice of the anniversaries as they passed have been taken since. Mr. Dean was then in reasonably good health. He was born in Worcester in 1820, moving to Keating, N. H., when eight years old. He learned the trade of tailor from his uncle, David Hawkins of Lowell, and after he learned it he settled for a time in Constableville, N. Y. As one of his assistants he employed Miss Caroline Clark, who was born in East Granby, Ct., in 1822. He soon after married her. All their children were born at that place, of whom four are now living, besides Mrs. Wheelock there being Isaac W. and Wilfred T. of Holyoke and George C. of Beloft, Wis. He also leaves four brothers, Henry A. of Corona, N. Y., Horace C. of Omaha, Neb., Thomas of Sandwich, Ill., and Daniel M. of Princeton, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Dean came to Holyoke in 1878. He retired from active work, through failing health about five years ago. Since that time he had been cared for by his children. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 3 at 135 Pleasant street.

From The Springfield Republican.

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