by Laurel | September 15th, 2009
September 15, 1910, page 1
Curtiss’ Engine Works at Last
Glenn Curtiss brought out his new model biplane and flew around the course in a speed trial making the first lap in 2 minutes 53.5 seconds, the second in 2 minutes 51. seconds and the third in 2 minutes 44.5 seconds, a total of 6 minutes 19 4 5 seconds for the 5 1/4 minute flight. The Hendee engine behaved handsomely flying around the course without a skip.
Charley Willard joined Curtiss, Grahame-White and Ralph Johnstone in the air, and the four flew about the course, several burst of real racing taking place as they shot through the plyons Curtiss showed his speed by flying slightly faster than did Grahame-White’s Bleriot, when suddenly the Briton turned and headed for Boston.
“Where’s he going” was the excited cry as the Bleriot grew smaller and smaller.
“Oh just to the bank to change his American dollars into English sovereigns,” was the calming answer of a bystander.
Cutting back into the course after a short flight, Grahame-White joined the others in the flights about the pylons. Johnstone did several clever bits of control, dropping his biplane until it almost touched the earth and then shooting up again for 100 or 150 feet.
Charley Willard left last night for St. Johnsbury, Vt., where he will fly today in an exhibition. He will go from St. Johnsbury to Holyoke, where he will fly Saturday. He will return to Boston the 27th for a flight the following day at Riverside Park at the outing of a local corporation.
From The Boston Journal.