by Laurel | October 7th, 2009
October 7, 1909, page 12
A petition for the extension of High street from its present terminal to the Springfield road is being circulated, and already a large number of the manufacturers and prominent taxpayers have signed it. The presentation of this petition will work in a measure against the present agitation for the opening of the so-called Hampden Landing road, as if this street is extended it will give direct access to Springdale, where it is certain that the manufacturing interests will build within the next few years. The present end of the street is at the dingle and it will require considerable filling to carry out the project, although it is claimed that while the expense will be considerable it will not be exorbitant, when the usefulness of the road is considered.
At the present time there is no way to reach Springdale except through South Holyoke, and as the erection of factories is confidently expected in the Springdale section, it is argued that there should be a more convenient way to reach that section. Some opposition is expected from South Holyoke, but it is not believed that the construction of the street will interfere in any measure with the trend of South Holyoke business. Whether this project will seriously conflict with the county road project is a matter for conjecture, although it will probably act against it to a greater or less extent.
From The Springfield Republican.