by Laurel | April 22nd, 2010
Aug 23, 1906
What was developing into a promising industry was nipped in the bud the other day and rules laid down for the operatives’ further guidance in regard to some matters. During the tournaments at the Mt. Tom golf club a number of golf balls are lost, and the youth of that vicinity have made a practice after the matches are over to search the surrounding country and gather in the missing balls and sell them back for a small sum to the members of the club. All went merry as a wedding bell until the new Holyoke country club was formed further up the river, and the market becoming brisker in the demand for second-hand gold balls, the boys found that a higher price could be obtained at the new club and the balls found on the Mt. Tom links began to be diverted from their original owners to the members of the new club for a slight advance over former prices. On being discovered the boys were informed that they would have to keep off the golf club’s territory or sell the missing balls to the members of the club where they were lost.
From The Springfield Republican.