by Laurel | May 6th, 2010
[Since Memorial Day will be upon us soon, I’ll be featuring some WWII era headlines.]
May 6, 1944
Pvt. Michael Ross Killed — Sergt. Francis J. Danko Dies of Wounds —
Tech Sergt. J. P. Morgan Missing.
Holyoke, May 5– Two Holyokers were killed, one in action and one is missing in action it became known today the result of three tragic communications to the next of kin.
The soldier killed in action is Pvt. Michael Ross, 27, of 18 Newton Place, one of two soldier sons of Mrs. Helen T. Ross and Harry Ross. His wife, the former Martha Dunkerton, was notified. He was killed in Italy during the first week in April.
Sergt. Francis J. Danko, 23, of the marine corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Danko of 211 Lyman Street has died of wounds received in action in the South Pacific. He was wounded on November 20 at Tarawa.
Missing in action is the report to Mrs. Julia F. Moran of 269 Suffolk street, regarding her son, Tech Sergt. John P. Moran, 30, one of her three soldier sons. The Air Medal was recently awarded to him for combat flying over Europe and he has been missing in action since April 20, while he was flying over France. He was a tail gunner on a B-24 and went overseas in November. He graduated from Rosary High School in 1931 and worked for White & Wyckoff until his induction on April 23, 1942. Tech Sergt. David J. Moran with the army ordinance and Tech Mchael H. Moran with the army medical corps are his service brothers.
Sergt. Danko joined the marine corps in 1940. He suffered a gunshot wound in the abdomen and in his letters home had stated that he was getting along well. Besides his parents, he leaves a brother Stephen Danko, Jr., now in navy boot training at Sampson, N.Y., and a sister, Ann, at home.
Michael Ross was employed by Pratt & Whitney at East Hartford, Ct., before joining the service. Besides his parents, he leaves a brother Pvt. Harold T. Ross, 28, with the military police in Virginia, also a sister, Mrs. Leonard Belcher of Agawam.
From The Springfield Republican.