by Laurel | May 12th, 2010
May 12, 1886
Daniel L. Ford, the High-street saloon keeper, was arraigned in the local court yesterday morning for entertaining on Sunday and was fined $55, which he paid. The evidence against him was so strong that there was no ground for an appeal. Honore Lequin’s case was put over till this morning. Michael Conley was arraigned for assaulting his wife and for drunkenness, third offense, for which he got six months for the first offense and dour for the latter. He appealed. Mrs. Conley has not lived with her husband for a year, but they met on the street the other day when he was drunk and he struck her a brutal blow in the face. Michael Murphy was fined $9 for drunkenness, second offense, but will go to jail. Michael Linnehan paid $8 for an assault.
From The Springfield Republican.
[Note: Honoré Lequin is connected to my family via a marriage of one of his sons to one of my grandfather’s sisters. The Lequins emigrated to Holyoke from the province of Quebec in the 1880’s. What is really amazing about this family is Honoré and his wife Vitaline (m.s. Tetreault) had 16 children that I am aware of. Many of their descendants remained in the Holyoke area and some associated surnames are Biela, Blackwelder, Dupuis, Lafond, MacFarlane,and Nichols — though this hardly represents all connections. If you are connected to this family and have an interest in genealogy, feel free to contact me.]