by Laurel | May 13th, 2010
May 13, 1909
The wedding of Miss Concordia W. Richter and Archibald R. G. Fletcher was held last evening at 7 o’clock at the home of Rev. E. B. Robinson of the Blenheim. They were attended by Ida M. Richter, a sister of the bride, and William T. Fletcher, a brother of the groom. The bride wore a suit of Edison blue and carried white roses, while the bridesmaid wore blue satin. The single-ring service was used. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher went to the groom’s home on Chestnut street where a large gathering of friends were present to greet them. A wedding supper was served and a merry evening was spent. Many presents were received, including articles of silver, cut glass and gold. The bride’s gift to the bridesmaid was a gold necklace and the groom’s gift to the best man was a gold stickpin.
After the reception Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher left for a trip to Washington D.C. On with return they will live in North Wilbraham where Mr. Fletcher is employed. Mr. Fletcher is a member of the local Young Men’s Christian association and played with the Holyoke athletic basketball and baseball teams. He was formerly employed by the Whiting paper company in Holyoke, but was transferred to the Whiting mill in Wilbraham, where he has been since last September.
From The Springfield Republican.