by Laurel | June 2nd, 2010
June 2, 1930
Impressive Exercises Carried Out at Perpetual Help Church — Procession of Children.
The statue of the Sacred Heart of white terracotta in the Perpetual Help school yard and enclosed in a grotto of field stone gathered by the children of the parochial schools of the Perpetual Help church was unveiled and blessed in formal ceremony yesterday afternoon at 2:30. The exercises opened with a procession of children from the schools to the lawn in front of the statue. Prayers were said, led by the priests of the parish and the sermon was delivered by Rev. Joseph Dupuis, who complimented the children on their work and the alumni for their generous gift.
The statue was the gift of the alumni of the school. Zephyr Ducharme was in charge of the erection of the grotto of field stone. The shrine was then blessed by father Dupuis assisted by Rev. Antonio Dutault and Camille Blain. The children then formed a procession and dropped flowers and flags in front of the statue, also candles, and marched to the church where benediction was given.
From The Springfield Republican.