by Laurel | June 14th, 2010
June 10, 1910
Confers All the Desired Powers on the Water Board.
There has been some misunderstanding regarding the bill passed by the Legislature and signed by the governor conferring the control of the Ashley and Wright’s pond watershed on the board of water commissioners. The bill is identical with that granted the Metropolitan waterworks of Boston, and is as follows:–
Section 1. The board of water commissioners of the city of Holyoke shall have the exclusive right and control over Ashley pond and Wright’s pond used by them in supplying water and may order all persons to keep from entering in, upon or over the waters thereof and the lands of the city of Holyoke surrounding the same.
Section 2. The state board of health shall have authority to make rules and regulations for the sanitary protection of the waters of said ponds in accordance with chapter 75, Revised Laws, as amended by chapter 467 of the Acts of the Commonwealth of the year 1907.
Section 3. Whoever shall violate or refuse to comply with any rule, regulation or order made by the said board of water commissioners of the state board of health under the authority of this act shall, upon complaint or indictment therefor and conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding $100 for each offense.
Section 4. The superior court or any justice thereof shall, in term time or vacation on the petition of said board of water commissioners have jurisdiction in equity or otherwise to enforce the provisions of any rule, regulation or order made under the authority of this act, and to prevent any violation of said provisions, rules, regulations and orders.
It will be seen in the reading of the act that the powers of the state board of health and the water commissioners will not conflict and that the jurisdiction asked over the ponds by the board of water commissioners has been granted. This bill will be pleasing to the residents of the city, who were the prime movers in requesting the water board to have such a bill enacted.
From The Springfield Republican.