by Laurel | November 29th, 2011
29 November 1913
Alfred Garipay is Held Under $10,000 Bonds for Appearance December 5.
Alfred Garipay was arraigned in the police court yesterday morning for assault with intent to kill on Patrolman M. J. Driscoll. He pleaded not guilty and was placed under $10,000 bonds for appearance December 5. His brother, Joseph Garipay, was charged with being an accessory and also with carrying a loaded revolver. On the first he was placed under $5000 bonds and under $300 bonds on the second, for appearance December 5. Joseph Crochier was arraigned on a charge of larceny from the Friedrich company and from Daniel O’Connell’s Sons, and was given a three-months sentence on each count. John Morstoski was fined $13 for an assault and six “drunks” had their cases disposed of.
The condition of Officer Michael J. Driscoll was reported last evening at the hospital to be unchanged. The physicians have not as yet made any attempt to probe for the bullet as it was thought best not to move him any more than absolutely necessary. While there seemed to be a slight improvement, yet the doctors in attendance do not care to state what in their opinion the outcome will be, and it is evident that his condition is very serious. The hospital authorities received hundreds of calls yesterday from the many friends of the officer, inquiring as to his condition, and the whole city is hoping that he will quickly recover from his injury.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.