by Laurel | January 6th, 2012
06 January 1914
The third annual concert and ball of the Hebrew Ladies’ Educational Society was held in Wakelin Hall last night, about 300 being present. Cartier’s orchestra furnished the music and C. Ash prompted. A dance program of 18 numbers was enjoyed. The grand march was led by Mr. and Mrs. J. Gold, followed by 100 couples. Mrs. D. Coates was floor director and was assisted by Mrs. William Kertzmark and Mrs. A. G. Barger and Mrs. I. Kaplansky. The officers of the club are as follows: President, Mrs. J. Gold; vice president, Mrs. D. Coates; secretary, Mrs. W. B. Cohen; financial secretary, Mrs. D. Barowsky; Treasurer, Mrs. D. Weinberg. The committee of arrangements consisted of Mrs. J. Gold, Mrs. D. Coates, Mrs. W. B. Cohen, Mrs. D. Barowsky, Mrs. Weinberg, Mrs. D. Asfhansky.
From The Springfield Republican.