by Laurel | January 10th, 2012
10 January 1926
Holiday Affairs Held at Holyoke
Many New Year Celebrations — Personal Mention — Club Meetings
Holyoke, Jan. 9—The holiday atmosphere has continued its effect through the week, so that one fully realizes that the Christmastide and New Year celebrations have held full sway.
In addition, many of the clubs have resumed their regular sessions. The week also has been notable for at least three affairs of considerable magnitude and unusual importance.
Among the larger affairs was the New Year’s eve dance at which Dr and Mrs Philip Clark and Mr and Mrs Stanley Cook were the hosts, entertaining friends at Mt Tom Golf club. The guests, numbering about 50, in cluded a group of friends, who for two seasons have entertained at sev eral similar dances. Favors and the new New Year’s confetti were distributed impartially and a buffet sup per was served at midnight.
Mr and Mrs Walter C. Hatch en tertained at a New Year’s eve party at their home on Pine street. Cards were played at three tables until midnight and the players followed the cards with an elaborate New Year’s break fast, during which they enjoyed the chimes concert of Trinity Church, New York, which came to them over the radio.
A company of 25 enjoyed a “watch night” party at the home of Miss Catherine Moriarty on Beech street The feature of the evening was the music which was songs by soloists and piano numbers, The evening program was rounded out with a supper.
A New Year’s eve dinner party was the celebration at the home of Mr and Mrs Julius A. Scheibel on Pine Street.
Mrs Dorothy Alderman of Pine hurst on Northampton Street, formerly the James H. Newton home, was host ess at a bridge tea, New Year’s aft ernoon. Her guests were the younger set at home from college and board ing school. Auction was played at four tables and after the cards, tea was served. The honor-guest was Miss Eveline Pearce of South Hanson, who was a house guest at the Alderman home.
Miss Aileen Regan of Chapin street, entertained at a bridge dinner party at the Long House Inn, when the honor guest was Miss Louise Potter of Westport. Miss Regan accompa nied Miss Potter, who has been her roommate when she returned to her home. Monday Miss Potter and Miss Regan returned to their studies at Fitchburg Normal school.
Mrs Robert Ramage celebrated New, Year’s by a dinner and bridge party at her home on North Pleasant street She gave it in compliment to her niece, Miss Molly Ramage, who was spending the-midwinter recess of Wal nut hill school at her home. The guests included seven of Miss Ramage’s friends and included Misses Hil degarde Newton, Ruth Jagger, Elea nor Whiting, Dorothy Morse, her cou sins, Misses Barbara and Marion Wat son and Miss Sarah Ashley. Two ta bles of bridge were played after the dinner, and the prize for high score was won by Miss Ruth Jagger.
A New Year’s eve “watch night” party was the form of the entertain ment of the”What’s It” club by Mr and Mrs George Aberlein of Orchard streets. Four tables of bridge were in Play and Mrs Arthur-Stedman and Levi Lay carried off the honors. The card playing continued till midnight when supper was served.
Mrs T. D. McQuillan entertained the members of the Unus Club at her home on Birch street Saturday night in honor of her sister, Miss Stella Schirch of Boston, who had been making her a two weeks visit. Miss Delia Hurley was the prize winner in the games of auction and after the cards the hostess served a dainty spread. Miss Schirch left Monday for Boston to resume her duties at the Boston City Hospital.
Mrs Adelaide E. Ramage, widow of James Ramage, who for years was one of Holyoke’s prominent paper manufacturers owning mills in this city and at Monroe Bridge, celebrated her 80th birthday anniversary on Monday at a family dinner party. Not only the members of her immediate family were present but grandchildren and great-grandchildren, her oldest great-grandson being 12 years old. The company was served a dinner one of the private dining rooms at Hotel Nonotuck, the center piece of the table being one of the many gifts with which friends felicitated the hostess on this anniversary and was a beautiful bouquet of sweet peas and roses encircled with ferns. Those present included Mr and Mrs Theod ore Ramage of Springfield, Mr and Mrs J. B. Ramage, Mrs Archie P. Ramage and two daughters or North ampton, Mr and Mrs Robert Ramage, Mr and Mrs George Watson and their twin daughters. The family con nections included Mrs Frances Hal lett, mother of Mrs Robert Ramage, Mrs Harriet Watson, mother of George Watson, Mrs Emma Forsythe, sister of the hostess, and Mrs Susan Spencer. Mrs Ramage is in full possession of all her faculties and is as much interested In the current affair of the day as when she was much younger.
Misses Edith and Maude Conner who had spent the holidays at the home of their sister and family, Atty and Mrs T. D. O’Brien of Pearl street, have returned to New York where they have positions connected with the public, school.
Mrs John Hoyt has returned to her home on Highland Park after an ab sence of several weeks spent at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs John Thomas, at Atlantic City, N. J.
Mr and Mrs S. H. Whittin are again at their home on Park Slope, having returned from Boston, where they had spent the weekend with their son, Edmund, and his family.
Miss Doris Martin has returned to her position in Boston after spending the week end with her patents, Mr and Mrs W. E. Martin of West Hampden Street.
Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Mr and Mrs Philip Judd, and Miss Leslie Jean McCorkindale, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Roger McCorkindale of Sycamore street,’have returned to. their studies at the Emma Willard school at Troy, N. Y.
The local young women who have returned to the Walnut Hill school at Natick after their holiday vacation at, their respective homes are Misses Margaret Whitney, Molly Ramage, Rachel McElwain and Esther Knox.
L.G. Hayward, formerly of Hol yoke, now of New York, was in the city a few days early in the week and was the guest of Frank B. T0wne at the meeting ‘of the Rotary club Tues day noon.
The Friday Afternoon Auction Bridge club which had been scheduled to meet yesterday at the home of Mrs William G. Dwight, was postponed to next Friday on account of the meeting of the Holyoke Women’s club which came yesterday afternoon and was the largest and most inter esting of the club affairs of the week. It was held in the big ballroom of Hotel Nonotuck which, was well filled as the members had each been given the privilege of inviting a friend. The club president, Mrs W. G. Dwight, presided and the main number of the program was the talk by President Woolley of Mount Holyoke College, who spoke on the problem of panpacificism.
Quito unfortunately, the Holyoke Chapter of the Alumnae association of Mount Holyoke College held its meet ing at the home of Mrs C. W. Baege hold on Northampton Street, the same afternoon. This also was of much in terest as Miss Jeannette Marks gave the address, presenting something about her new books and especially about the one “Genius and Disaster” which has aroused so much interest among the literary folk. The meeting of the Holyoke Women’s Club began very promptly and closed in season for those who wished to attend the meeting at the home of Mrs. Baegehold which was deferred from 4:30 until 4 o’clock so that one could attend both of these interesting meetings.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.