by Laurel | January 21st, 2012
21 January 1932
Mrs. Mary (Gilbert) O’Shea, 82, widow of John O’Shea, founder of the oldest music store in Holyoke, died this afternoon in her home 633 Pleasant Street, after a two months’ illness. She was born at Hamilton, Ohio, in 1840 and lived for a time at Rochester, New York, and St. Louis before coming to Holyoke. It was in St. Louis that she married Mr. O’Shea July 30, 1873. They came to Holyoke the same year. Mrs. O’Shea was a member of the Married Ladies’ Sodality of the Holy Cross Church. She leaves three sons, John of California, Gilbert of Hartford, and Edward of Holyoke. The funeral will be held at the home, Friday morning at 8:15, followed by a requiem high mass at Holy Cross Church at 9. Burial will be at St. Jerome’s Cemetery.
From The Springfield Republican.