by Laurel | January 30th, 2012
30 January 1910
Water to Be Drawn from Canal Today to See if Her Body Can be Found
The Holyoke Water-Power company will draw out the water from the third level canal this morning, and the bed of the canal will be searched to see if the body of 16 year old Emma Richter can be found. The girl has been missing since December 29, and there have been grave fears that she made away with herself. The home life of the girl has been most unpleasant, and she had told companions in the mill that she should commit suicide. It had been hoped, however, that she had gone away and would return after a time. Nothing has been heard from her since her disappearance, and her brothers are nearly convinced that she threw herself into the canal.
From The Springfield Republican.
And the rest of the story……….(Paul Harvey)?
LOL Glenn … tomorrow, I actually finally found the follow up to this case!