by Laurel | February 1st, 2012
01 February 1902
The department reports of the city hospital the past year show a decided gain in the patronage of that institution. The financial report has already been published. It will be noted that there were 383 patients admitted during the year, to 312 the year previous, a gain of over 70. The report of the aid association shows that 22 indigent patients have been assisted, at an expenditure of about $500. The furnishing committee has had much to do in replacing broken or worn-out furniture, $400 having been expended. Much assistance in the way of furnishings has been given by the women of the Second Congregational, Second Baptist and Oakdale sewing societies. About $2000 was received from Mrs. William Whiting’s activities in behalf of the hospital. William Whiting, president of the hospital association, makes a brief report, in which he calls attention to the harmony in the conduct of all the departments of the hospital. “The increasing appreciation of the hospital is shown by the fact that we have had a much larger number of patients than usual, and the efficiency is shown by the small death-rate. This satisfactory condition has been produced because the people of the city generally have taken an interest in putting this institution upon a substantial working basis. The people have given their money, and physicians have given their time, and the officials at the hospital the very best service.” Hope is expressed that the $3000 fund given by J. H. Appleton of this city, and one of $2500 by Alexander Day, late of Holyoke, will be increased by other contributions. The report of the superintendent of the hospital shows a total of 383 patients at the hospital the past year. Of these, 20 were confinement cases, all of which were successful. The summary of the year’s work is as follows, as compared with the year previous, the past year’s figures being given first, followed by those of the year before: Total number admitted during the year, 383, 312; discharged during the year, 360, 283; number of deaths during the year, 24, 28; total number of patients treated during the year, 411, 334; daily average number of patients, 24.73, 19.96; largest number of patients any one day, 39, 30; number of medical cases treated, 117, 155; number of surgical cases, 242, 146; number of obstetrical cases, 24, 28; number days’ treatment, all cases, 9031, 7286. There were four patients upon whom the X-rays were used during the year, and the average stay in the hospital of each patient was 22.57 days. The number of male patients was 177, and female 225.
From The Springfield Republican.