by Laurel | February 24th, 2012
A genealogical connection for me, this from my father’s side of the family. Elizabeth Sloan is my 2nd cousin once removed. The strange part is they were married on Calumet Road. Wish I had the house number, because my mother’s family were living there at the time, in fact my family still own the same house all these many years later. Again, any communication regarding genealogical connections is welcome.
24 February 1924
Rev. E. B. Robinson Marries Holyoke Couple at Home of Mr. and Mrs. David Sloan of Calumet Road
Holyoke, February 23 — The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Sloan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Sloan of Calumet Road and William J. Brooksbank, son of Mrs. Hanna Brooksbank of Cherry Street, took place this afternoon at the home of the bride’s parents, Rev. E. B. Robinson, pastor of the Grace Church performing the ceremony.
The couple were attended by Agnes and John Sloan, brother and sister of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Brooksbank left for a trip to New Jersey and Philadelphia following the ceremony. They will live in this city.
From The Springfield Republican.