by Laurel | March 7th, 2012
01 March 1922
The police department started out early today to enforce the law against en-muzzled canines and five dogs were killed on the trip, which was at 6 in the morning. Patrolmen Maxwell, McDowell and John Goss were armed with shotguns. The bodies of the dogs were sent to a rendering plant.
Alderman George O’Connell visited the police station this morning at the request of constituents to request action which the police had already taken. He said that unless the owners of dogs not only muzzled them, but restrained them another meeting of the board would be called to bring about this action. If brought on the streets they must be both muzzles and on a leash. Some thought today that if they carried them in their arms unmuzzled that was all right, but they are liable to learn differently. The city will be toured each morning by the dog “death wagon.” Members of the department also shot dogs last night at the request of their owners.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.