by Laurel | January 25th, 2013
04 April, 1936
One of the live clubs at the Holyoke High School is the Chamber of Commerce Club whose activities as the name implies are concerning commercial, municipal and civic matters.
First row, left to right: Alice McDermott, Rosalie Sheehan, Anne Warburton, Mary Garvey, Bessie Kamont.
Second row: Yvette Meunier, Margaret McMahon, Rosalyn Joyce, Muriel Ashton, Eunice Shapiro, Doris Kelly.
Third row: Carl Schmantz, Yvette Lessieur, Ann Sullivan, Florence Sleboda, Wanda Kazloski, Mary Sullivan, John Senior.
Fourth row: Doris Astley, Mary Urban, Mildred Astley, Dorothy Macoullies, Eileen Duckworth, Theresa Moran and Mary Urbanski.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.
[You may notice two girls in the last row, the first (far left) and the third are wearing the same dress. They are twin sisters Doris and Mildred Astley.]