by Laurel | February 26th, 2013
24 January 1914
[Editorial note: I have some connections by marriage to this family via the Brooksbank line, feel free to contact me if you wish.]
Matthew H. Wood died yesterday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Revett of 908 Chicopee Street, Willimansett. Mr. Wood was born in England and came to this country 25 years ago and for 18 years was employed at the Farr Alpaca company, retiring from active work about seven years ago, since which time he had made his home with his daughter. He leaves four daughters, Mrs. David Brooksbank and Mrs. Samuel Pease of Holyoke, Mrs. Charles E. Buckley of Burlington, N.J., and Mrs. Revett of Willimansett, and two sons, Charles H. of England and Arthur of Holyoke. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at the home of his daughter in Willimansett and the burial will be in the Forestdale Cemetery.
14 November 1907
Mrs. Matthew Wood, 74, died Tuesday night at her home on Russell Terrace. She leaves beside her husband two sons, Charles of England and Arthur of Holyoke, four daughters, Mrs. D. Brooksbank, Mrs. S. Pierce of Holyoke, Mrs. C. E. Buckley of Burrington, N.J., and Mrs. William Revett. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon with burial in Foresdale Cemetery.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.