by Laurel | March 14th, 2013
03 March 1894
A Small Fire at Holyoke — the Holyoke Fire Department was called out about 11 o’clock last evening to a slight blaze in a small barn in the rear of 51 Walnut Street, owned by Martin Leary. The fire was on the second floor among some hay and straw. There were two horses in the barn, but they were saved. The damage was less than $100. It is probable that the fire was caused by a spark from Mr. Leary’s pipe.
A Strange Experience At Holyoke — A. W. McPherson of Southampton drove to Holyoke last night with a horse belonging to Dr. Lyons. He got drunk and loaded half a lamb and a keg of beer into the sleigh and went to sleep. The horse wandered down Appleton street to the New York, new Haven and Hartford tracks along the river bank near the Norman mills. He then turned south along the tracks and went on the railroad bridge across the raceway south of the Riverside mill. There he fell between the sleepers. This woke up Mr. McPherson, who clambered out of the sleigh and went to the police station and reported his mishap and a party of men led by Dr. Sweeney succeeded in extricating the horse after about three hours work. While the men were working at the horse, some boys stole the beer The horse is badly injured. The bridge is a narrow trestle work and the rails are about 30 feet above the water and as there are no guard rails it is strange that the man and team were not precipitated into the water. McPherson was detained at the police station.
T.S. Childs’ shoe store was crowded all day yesterday and a policeman was kept on duty all the afternoon to keep the crowd out. Mr. Childs has only a stock of wetdown shoes, but the news of the special sale spread fast. He had an extra force of clerks and sold many hundred dollars worth of goods.
The diphtheria that has developed in Philander Moore’s block on High Street has not spread, and will probably be confined t the block. The patient is in charge of Dr. Cloutier, and has been quarantined by the Board of Health. The card that had been posted at the place by Truant Officer Doyle was found town down, and an effort is being made to find the person who did it. A heave fine can be imposed on the person and the board will probably institute proceedings.
Peter Benoit was arraigned at the police court yesterday morning for being a stubborn child, and was put on probation for two weeks, W. Van Horn of Chicopee was arraigned for drunkenness, and paid a fine of $5.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.