by Laurel | March 20th, 2013
19 June 1902
The wedding of Arthur C. Livermore and Miss Bertha Augusta Smith of 209 Northampton Street took place last evening at the bride’s home at 7:30. The bridal pair stood under a handsome canopy of laurel and evergreen. and the floral decorations in the home were of evergreen and roses. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. W. Winch of the First Congregational Church, in the presence of relatives and intimate friends only of the contracting parties. The best man was Raymond H. Smith, and the bridesmaid was Miss Mabel Jones. Two little girls Miss Hazel Gare and Miss Charlotte Clark, acted as ribbon girls, holding the ribbons and forming an aisle through which the bridal party marched from the stairs to the wedding canopy. The bridge wore white silk lansdowne, and carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid wore fawn-colored chiffon over green silk, and carried pink carnations. The ushers were Charles D. Livermore of Worcester and Howard Adams of North Adams. After a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Livermore will live at 21 Fairfield Avenue. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Fay of Worcester and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Livermore of Worcester, Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Adams of Florence, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Main, Miss Harriet Huxley of Florence, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wood of Chicopee, Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Gare, Mr. and Mrs. Albertus Harvey, Mrs. Eliza Reynolds of South Hadley Falls.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.