by Laurel | March 29th, 2013
04 October 1903
The Tuesday Club has also a miscellaneous program, having two lectures on art one or two evenings, that have not been arranged fully, and a paper on transcendentalism among the number. Mrs. M. A. Allen is president this season, Mrs. W. A. Prentiss, vice -president, and Mrs. F. D. Heywood secretary. The topics of each meeting for the season are as follows:
October 6, hostess, Mrs. William Whiting; miscellaneous program.
October 20, hostess, Mrs. D. H. Newton, lecture on art.
November 3, hostess, Mrs. William Skinner; lecture on art. November 17, hostess, Mrs. h. L. Sherman; miscellaneous program in charge of Mrs. J. Metcalf.
December 15, hostess, Mrs. C. W. Ranlet; “Early races of mankind,” Miss Worswick.
January 5, hostess, Mrs. C. l. Frink; “Problems of our age,” Miss Whiting, Mrs. W. A. Prentiss.
January 19, hostess, Mrs. C. E. Ball; “Social and family life, past and present,” Mrs. C. W. Ranlet.
February 2, hostess, Mrs. J. Metcalf; “Transcendentalism of 1840,” Mrs. F. D. Heywood.
February 16, hostess, Miss Worswick; “Some recent discoveries in science,” Mrs. C. E. Ball.
March 1, hostess Mrs. W. A. Prentiss, “The amenities of club life,” Mrs. H. B. Lawrence.
March 15, hostess, Mrs. F. D. Heywood, “The art of living,” Miss M. C. Whiting.
March 29, hostess, Mrs. E. A. Reed; “The second wife of Napoleon,” Mrs. H. L. Sherman.
April 12, hostess, Mrs. H. B. Lawrence, “Views from mountain tops,” Mrs. C. L. Frick.
March 28, hostess, Mrs. S. R. Whiting; “A question of ethics,” Mrs. E. A. Reed.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.