by Laurel | April 1st, 2013
04 October 1903
The Year-Round Club will study this year four Italian cities:
“The Water Lily” (Venice); “The City of the Siren” (Naples); “The Eternal City” (Rome); and “The City of Flowers” (Florence). The topics are as follows:
October 9, “History and literature of Venice,” Mrs. F. D. Smith; “Venetian glass,” Mrs. Charles Crook.
October 23, “Venetian architecture,” Mrs. Joshua Taylor, Mrs. John Clark.
November 6, “Venetian artists,” Mrs. H. R. Sackett, Mrs. Joseph Ely.
November 20, “Naples in olden time and modern life,” Mrs. W. W. Wilson, Mrs. A. G. Holman.
December 11, “Naples’ neighbors and Vesuvius,” Mrs. G. G. Reed, Mrs. C. P. Randall.
December 31, “Ancient and imperial Rome,” Mrs. A.J. Rand, Mrs. H. R. Sackett.
January 8, annual meeting with Mrs. W. J. Mills.
January 27, “Early Christian church, the catacombs and papal Rome,” Mrs. C. P. Randall, Mrs. G. L. Kinne.
February 5, “The Vatican Raphael in Rome,” Mrs. John Clark, Mrs. Wharfield.
February 10, “Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo.” Mrs. A. G. Holman, Mrs. W. J. Mills.
February 22, reception at residence of Mrs. F. D. Smith.
March 11, “St. Peter’s Pantheon, Coliseum and aqueducts,” Mrs. G. L. Kinne, Mrs. A. J. Rand.
February 25 “Rome’s attractions for a traveler,” Mrs. Frank Phillips, Mrs. G. G. Reed.
April 8, “History of Florence,” Mrs. Wharfield, Mrs. W. W. Wilson.
April 22, “Savonarola, Galileo,” Mrs. Joseph Ely, Mrs. Joshua Taylor.
May 6, “Architects, sculptors, and workers in metal, painters of the Renaissance,” Mrs. W. J. Mills, Mrs. Frank Phillips.
May 20, “Florentine men of letters and modern Florence,” Mrs. Charles Crock and Mrs. F. D. Smith.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.