by Laurel | April 5th, 2013
05 April 1904
The attraction at the Empire theater yesterday afternoon and evening was the melodrama “When Women Love,” which opened for the first half of the week. The play was largely attended and the audience was well pleased with the production, the opinion being that it was one of the best melodrama seen at the Empire Theater this season. [Note: When Women Love was written by Abraham A. Spitz.]
Knights of Columbus Dedicate New Windsor Hall — The new Windsor Hall in the Windsor building was dedicated last evening by Holyoke Council, Knights of Columbus, who held their fifth and closing assembly of the present season, and which was the largest in attendance of any in the series. The new hall is on the second floor, being reached through the new theater lobby entrance by broad stairways. There are three entrances to the hall from the corridor to the second floor, the smoking-room and men’s toilet being off from the rear end of the hall, with check room, serving-room, ladies’ parlor and toilet rooms as named. The hall is about 50 by 90 feet and 20 feet high. There is a balcony on the west side, arranged to give a box effect. The hall is tinted in terra cotta on the walls, with a cream ceiling, and is lighted by meridian electric lights in the ceiling and with electric lights on handsome brackets between the windows. There are 15 large plate-glass mirrors between the windows in the hall. There were many handsome costumes worn, and a large number attended from outside of Holyoke, there being 150 couples present in all. The opera house orchestra furnished the music and P. H. Kelly prompted. Among these from out of Holyoke were John T. Doyle, James Ludden, William T. Barry, J. F. Shea, R. E. Flynn, James F. O’Brien, Mr. and Mrs. John O’Connell, Mrs. and Mrs. T. P. Sampson, Miss Harriet Travers, James Murray, William Walker, James F. Riley, James Fitzgerald, Miss Lillian McNerney, and Miss O’Connell of Springfield, Miss Helen Corcoran of Pittsfield and Miss Minnie O’Brien of North Adams.
There were 108 cases before the police court during the month of March, drunkenness leading, as usual, with 63. At the session yesterday morning James Snow and Mary Sweeney paid $25 for fornication. They were arrested at 121 Race Street. Patrick Brennan was charged with stealing coal, and his case was continued to today. John Jerome was sent to jail for two months for drunkenness and for the same offense four were fined $11 each and two $6 each.
The engagement is made public of Allen Cox, son of Dr. and Mrs. Gardner Cox of Holyoke, to Miss Catherine Gilbert Abbott of New York City. Mr. Cox is a member of the firm of Putnam & Cox, architects, of Boston, and Miss Abbott is a portrait painter, whose work has been favorably received. She painted the Gaylord portrait in the South Hadley Library. Read more and see Catherine Gilbert Abbott’s paintings here.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.
Image courtesy of Library of Congress.