The Many Clubs of Holyoke — Alsace-Lorraine Club, German Club, Guilmant Club

by Laurel | April 5th, 2013

04 October 1903

Alsace Lorraine Society Building, Park Street, Holyoke

Alsace Lorraine Society Building, Park Street, Holyoke

The Alsace-Lorraine Club will soon occupy its new quarters on Park street. The image, above, shows the exterior appearance of the building, which is 40 by 60 feet, with gallery taking up the second floor. In the rear is the grill room, reading rooms, card rooms and buffet; also a small tenement for the club janitor. The building cost about $12,000 and the plans are by G. P. B. Alderman & Co. The interior finish is of ash.

There is also a flourishing German Club that has about a dozen active and four honorary members that meets weekly at the homes of the members. The first meeting was held this past week at the home of Mrs. William Mauer, about 40 being present. The club is for the practice of German conversation, but much is made of the social side.

The Guilmant Club is to be reorganized for the winter Tuesday. This is a club given up to the study of music, many of its members being accomplished musician.

Adapted from The Springfield Republican.

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