by Laurel | January 1st, 2014
09 January 1927
Payson T. Newton Will Take Charge of Work — Formerly At Troy, New York
Holyoke, January 8 — The executive board of the Holyoke council of the Boy Scouts of America has announced the appointment of Payson T. Newton, a former Holyoke boy, as acting Scout executive to take the place of former Executive Murphy, who resigned some weeks ago.
Mr. Newton is well known at Holyoke, having been educated in the Holyoke schools, graduating from the high school in the class of 1919. He left Holyoke to attend Rensselaer “Tech” at Troy, N.Y., in which city he has been located for the last six years engaged in Boy Scout work. The officers and directors of the Holyoke Boy Scouts are very happy over the coming of Mr. Newton, for, besides having a background of several years in Boy Scout Work, Mr. Newton has the added advantage of knowing Holyoke and Holyoke boys, having lived in the city up to his graduation from the local high school.
From The Springfield Republican.