by Laurel | January 6th, 2014
06 January 1888
Edward Lareau, the young Frenchman who stole goods from Chapman Bros., the High Street jewelers, a short time ago, was tried before Judge Pearsons yesterday morning, and was fined $26. He was also sentenced to the House of Correction for six months, and as he could not pay the fine he will have three months more added to his sentence. A man named Miller pleaded not guilty to a charge of drunkenness and made quite a speech. Among other things he thought that if some of the saloon-keepers put more Connecticut River water into their liquor it would be better for those who drink the stuff.
Robert Mantell will appear at the opera house tonight, supported by a good company, in the romantic society drama, “Monbars.”
Rumored changes in the make-up of the police force are being pretty Freely discussed and it is said that a number of new faces will be seen under police helmets during the next 12 months.
The Caledonian Club will meet tonight to arrange for the appropriate observance of Robert Burns’ birthday.
John Sullivan, the man who attempted suicide at the police station Wednesday afternoon, repeated his effort early yesterday morning. He slept soundly from 5 o’clock till midnight and between 12 and 1 yesterday morning he made a rope of his clothes and was about to make another attempt when the night officer discovered him. Two physicians have examined him and pronounced him insane from the effect of hard drinking. He was very quiet yesterday, giving the officers very little trouble.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.