by Laurel | February 3rd, 2014
02 February 1942
The Cartoonist Records a Busy Year
Most of the items in the cartoon are self explanatory, the following article elaborates a bit on the top center panel. Click on image to see a larger version.
11 September 1941
Mead Continues to Elude Police
Many Clues Run Down in Vain Effort to Capture Convict Who Fled From Prison Farm
Thompsonville, CT, Sept. 10 — Despite the intensive search that has continued since early Sunday morning by more than two-score state police, Osborne prison guards, the local police and the police of all surrounding towns and cities, Gilbert Mead, Jr., 3:25 Sunday morning is still at large. All of the clues that have been telephoned into the desk sergeant at this prison farm have been investigated and all have been found worthless.Officer Bradley of the prison farm said this afternoon that he felt he had hit on a hot clue when a man was seen walking down Sword Ave in the North Thompsonville district, toward the railroad truck, and when he reached the railroad he headed north. The man was described as wearing a blue shirt and trousers. The information was sent in first to Chief of Police William J. Fleming, and after notifying the prison farm Chief Fleming made a hurried dash to the locality, but, as in all other instances, after a thorough search in the wooded sections along the railroad track, in the words of Chief Fleming, not even a hobo was to be seen.
Still another clue put the searchers on edge shortly before noon today. A prominent businessman on Pearl Street informed the officers that a stranger, resembling the newspapers’ picture of Mead and wearing a blue shirt and blue overalls, entered the store and asked for a drink of water. The man spoke in a cultured tone which aroused the suspicion of the merchant. When he left the store, a hurried message was sent to Chief Fleming, and after investigation it was disclosed that he was not the much wanted man.
Officer gave out a new description of Mead this afternoon which varies somewhat from that given out when he slid down the fire escape at the prison. The officer said that Mead was smooth-shaven when at the prison. But, having a heavy beard of rapid growth, the officer new pictures him as having a beard of several days growth, and wearing a brown jacket and a light soft hat. And if he has exposed himself to the hot sun of the past few days he would have a strikingly tanned face, considerably different from the picture published.
A report was sent in this morning that a man answering the description of Mead was seen in North Somers headed north, and the state police again checked up.
From the Springfield Republican.