by Laurel | February 26th, 2014
26 February 1898
The Rash Act of a Holyoke Boy
A. P. Pease of Southampton, the Victim — His Assailant, Napoleon Monat,
Locked Up in the Holyoke Police Station —
No Reason for the Deed Except Viciousness
Nap0leon Monat of Holyoke, a boy of about 14, shot A. P. Pease of Southampton near Craft’s Hill in Holyoke about 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon while riding in his team. Two shots were fired, on taking effect in Mr. Pease’s neck, inflicting a serious but not dangerous wound. The shooting took place on the road between Holyoke and Southampton, near the borderline between the two places. The circumstances of the shooting would seem to indicate lunacy or some morbid condition of the boy’s mind. Mr. Pease was driving from Holyoke to Southampton when he overtook the boy. Noticing that he had no rubbers on, he invited him to ride. The boy accepted, but declined to ride on the seat, giving as a reason that it would cramp his legs, and got on in the rear. They had not proceeded far when Mr. Pease heard a report and felt a blow in the back of his neck. Turning about, he saw the boy, pistol in hand, leap out and then fire another shot in his direction. The second shot did not take effect. The boy ran across the lots toward Holyoke. Mr. Pease drove on and, though faint and weak, succeeded in reaching his home in Southampton. Accompanied by some members of his family, he went directly to the office of Dr. A. C. Cobb and had the wounds dressed and was then taken home. The bullet struck the skull near the left ear and probably followed a large muscle down his neck and could not be found.
The Southampton selectmen notified Deputy Sheriff George Tyler of that town, who at once started in pursuit of the boy toward Holyoke. The tracks were lost as he approached the city, but on inquiry he found that a boy answering Monat’s description had been seen returning to Holyoke, and, further, that young Monat had carried a revolver at times. He at once went to the house on Northampton Street where the boy lived, and found him at home. The boy denied having been in the vicinity where the shooting took place, but told contradictory stories.
Meanwhile a telegram had been received from the Southampton authorities at the Holyoke police station notifying the officers briefly of the shooting and asking that an officer be sent to Southampton. Marshal Gorman detailed Detectives Buckley and Lynch to go out. On their way they met Deputy Tyler, with the boy. The party returned to the police station, where the boy was examined, and his stories were so conflicting it was thought best to take him to Southampton for identification. They boy was taken over there in the evening and identified by Mr. Pease as his assailant.
Young Monat is a son of Peter Monat, a respectable Frenchman who is employed by the Seymour Cutlery Company at Holyoke. The boy has not borne a good reputation, having ben before the court for bicycle thieving and within a few days was expelled from the Nonotuck Street chool. It is though by some that he has been reading dime novels. Monat is a short, stocky, light complexioned boy, of rather pleasing countenance and has light hair and blue eyes, but with all this appears to have a very stubborn disposition. He refuses to talk about the affair. He will probably be arraigned in the police court this morning, when a date will be set for a hearing.
The pistol was a 22-caliber, seven shot revolver. When found in his room at the home the chambers were empty, but smelled strongly of powder. Mr. Pease lives in the eastern part of Southampton, near “White Loaf,” as called. It is thought he will soon recover from the effects of the wound.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.