by Laurel | March 5th, 2014
05 March 1913
The School Board held a meeting Monday evening and learned that while they would allow the use of a school building for a dance, they had no right to allow its use for study outside of school hours. There was a discussion over a letter from the mayor relating to a proposed industrial school and other matters of interest. Following the opening of the meeting, Mr. Edgeworth, acting head of the commercial department of the high school was voted a 20 per cent increase in his present salary. Principal John J. Lynch of the West Street School was granted a leave of absence for an indefinite period, and bills amounting to $2379 were approved and ordered paid. The contract for printing 450 manuals was granted to August Lehmann. A communication was received from the athletic clubs who wish to use the basement of the William Whiting building and was referred to the committee on salaries. There was some discussion as to the employment of a janitor and a recommendation was made that the janitor receive $1.50 for Saturday afternoon. It was finally decided, instead of referring to the committee on salaries, that it be handed over to the 1st district committee with power, with the understanding that the use of the basement should be shared equally by all the clubs in ward 4. It was decided that the Appleton Street School be named the Lawrence School, and that this name be given to the new central grammar school when erected.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.