by Laurel | March 6th, 2014
06 March 1921
Three Letter Athlete at Rensselaer
Holyoke Athlete Makes Fine Record
Harold A. Sparrow Has Won His Letter in All Major Sports at R.P.I.
Troy, N.Y. — Harold A. Sparrow of Holyoke, a member of the class of 1921 at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, has an unusual record in college athletics, not only winning his letter in every branch of major sport in which he has participated, but winning two letters for four successive seasons, making them a trio last year and with good prospects of respecting the performance again this year.
He entered Troy Polytechnic in 1918 and from the Holyoke High School, where he was a letter man in baseball, football, basketball and track and won the honor of being voted the best all-round athlete of the school, and in his freshman year at the engineering college made the varsity baseball and basketball teams, both noteworthy feats. he repeated the performance the following year and last year won letters in baseball, football and basketball. Sparrow played quarterback on the Rensselaer football team last fall, starting in practically every game, proving a speedy ground gainer when he carried the ball. He is now playing a forward position on the varsity basketball team, scoring field baskets in almost every contest, and will be out again for baseball in the spring, being one of the players around which the team for the season will be built.
Sparrow is a member of the Theta Nu Epsilon fraternity, Rensselaer Society of Engineers and K.C.N. Cub and is vice-president of his class, besides being one of the most popular students at the Institute. [Note: Harold A. Sparrow was born in Holyoke on 18 Jan 1899.]
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.