by Laurel | March 24th, 2014
24 March 1902
Small-Pox All Over The Country — Records of the marine hospital service of cases of small-pox reported to the surgeon general indicate tht the disease is rampant the whole world over. In London, Eng., for instance, for the week ending February 28 there were1102 cases and 82 deaths; at Liverpool, 26 cases and no deaths; at Montevideo, Uruguay, 65 cases and six deaths; Moscow, Russia. 32 cases and 12 deaths; Antwerp, Belgium, 16 cases and three deaths; Prague, Austria, 12 cases, no deaths; Panama, United States of Colombia, 50 cases, 10 deaths; Naples, Italy, 11 cases and no deaths. Coming to this country, reports are noted from 56 cities, in 26 states, with a total of 572 cases and 38 deaths. It is apparent that Holyoke in common with a number of other cities in having a light form of the disease. Philadelphia is having the hardest time, with 63 cases and 15 deaths, and New York comes second, with 55 cases and 13 deaths. Boston reports 19 cases and four deaths, but Minneapolis, Minnesota, has 48 cases, Omaha, Nebraska, 45 cases, Spokane, Wash., 25 cases, Jersey City, NJ, 23 cases, Elkhart, Ind., and San Francisco, Calif., 20 cases each — all with no deaths. The claim made by some excited persons the past week that because Holyoke had 31 cases and no deaths it couldn’t be small-pox, does not seem o be borne out by the facts,for here are six cities with an average of over 31 cases, with no deaths in all of the cases reported. Besides Boston , the week ending February 22 cases were reported in this state in Cambridge, four, Everett, one, New Bedford, three, Newburyport, one, Quincy, two, Waltham one.
Mayor Chapin has requested the Holyoke representatives for full information relative to the bill said to be pending in the legislature preventing the discharge of sewage in the Connecticut River. No information has been obtained in Holyoke, except through press reports, but the Holyoke representatives, if such a bill appears, will doubtless unite with the other cities in a vigorous fight against it. To make over the Holyoke sewer system and establish a filtration plant would cost several hundred thousand dollars.
More Cheerful Small-Pox Outlook. — The small-pox outlook yesterday was more favorable than for some time. The quarantine was removed from 54 Sargent Street, 85 Lyman Street, and 16 Bridge Street. No one was taken from the pest house, but no new cases were found, and none has been discovered for three days. The officials of the board of health are much pleased over the outlook, and believe that the worst of the epidemic is now over. This week a number of those confined to the pest house will be released.
Peter Picard and Malina Comptois were arrested yesterday at 655 Summer Street charged with fornication, They will be arraigned this morning.
The speaker at the Young Men;s Christian Association yesterday afternoon was Robert G. Nourse. The lecture was on the subject “Why I am not an Infidel,” and was exceedingly humorous.
Peter Storopoulos was fined $10 at Saturday’s police court session for peddling decayed vegetables. The evidence in the case against Joeph Czarinecki for disturbing a religious meeting was finished and decision will be announced on Saturday. Three “drunks” were fined $5 each and one had his case continued.
Adapted from The Springfield Republican.